life at natural power

Aaron Wilson

Assistant environmental consultant

When did you join Natural Power? 

I started at Natural Power on the 4th of September 2023.     


Was the transition from education to your Grad Job smooth and what was the biggest challenge? 

Natural Power first contacted me after an interview I had with the BBC discussing green jobs and the importance of renewable energy. I was completing my master's degree in sustainability when I received my offer to take part in this graduate scheme around July and started my role at Natural Power a week after completing my degree.  


How did you find the first couple of months of your new job and what was your typical day like at the start? 

Before my official start date at Natural Power, my colleague Jess and I were invited to attend a monthly BBQ at the Stirling office to introduce ourselves to our new co-workers. This immediately made me feel at ease; I could make some introductions and gain insight into the graduate scheme. 

The first few months at Natural Power involved onboarding and introductions to various staff, departments, and work areas. Learning about the departments gave me an insight into how they produce a robust EIA and the variety of work they do. The work I received at the start was simple, like research or adding consultation responses to spreadsheets. Once I was more comfortable, I was able to start on other tasks such as formatting, taking meeting minutes and site work training.  


You went between onshore and offshore; did you prefer either and what sorts of things were you doing on a typical day for each one? 

I enjoyed working both onshore and offshore. While working on onshore I took part in some site work, document formatting, updating trackers such as public representations, consultations and attending client meetings. A typical day would include formatting documents, some form of training or research, site work and helping with anything I could. I would try to get exposure to all elements of the job. 

Working with the offshore team was similar except there are not as many site visits.  I was also given the opportunity to help by being an assisting project coordinator for Buchan OWF. A typical day would include formatting documents, training/research and project coordination for Buchan.  


Do you have a highlight from the experience or what was the most notable thing you achieved? 

I have provided Project Manager support for the Buchan OWF Project, attended a 3-day management essentials training course and the Young Professionals in Green Energy Award 2024. Some of my favourite tasks have included calculating the carbon cost and savings for Crystal Rig, presenting to the offshore team, facilitating focus groups, and writing an article for Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA) to help Natural Power gain their certification. 


What advice would you give to someone who’s looking to do a Natural Power Graduation Scheme, and would you recommend going into a career in renewables? 

My advice would be to remain open-minded and willing to try everything to ensure that you have a fulfilling experience. Attending different events to gain insight into the industry and taking part in sitework to learn important aspects of the job. Make connections with as many people as possible and finally ask your co-workers if you need help! 


Life after the Graduate scheme... Where is Aaron now? 

I have now secured a position at Natural Power as an Assistant Environmental Consultant working on as an assistant on project management for renewable energy projects in the UK.