SERVICE Analysis

Using reliable data from the start of a project will lead to its success. 

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Our ecology, GIS, wind, solar and storage analysis teams deliver analytical services that cover all stages of a project: feasibility, development, operations and re-powering.

Natural Power’s Analytics team offers expert support and services that cover all stages of a wind energy project’s lifecycle, from feasibility and development through to operations and repowering. Covering both onshore and offshore projects, including those with hybrid, storage and solar technologies, we provide a range of standard and bespoke analytical solutions, keeping you informed at every step of the project’s development.

Pre-construction services

Indicative wind resource assessments

Working with you at the earliest stage of development, our site scoping and benchmarking services help to identify strong projects from the start.

Site scoping and benchmarking

For our indicative wind resource assessment services we use a range of mesoscale modelled data products and our in-house Computation Fluid Dynamics package, VentosTM, to give early predictions of the on-site resource. We take a tailored site-specific approach to modelling, selecting the most appropriate flow model to accurately capture the topographic interaction of the site. The resulting wind speed and wind flow constraints maps allow our clients to better understand their sites, allowing for informed layout design.

Layout design and optimisation

Through providing you with layout design and optimising the array for the on-site wind climate, we make sure that your project can perform at its best and produces the maximum amount of energy.

Indicative energy yield analysis (iEYA)

We can also carry out indicative energy yield analysis (iEYA) to estimate energy yields before any on-site data are available. We can advise you on the best turbine configuration for the project, informing early planning application strategies.

Data monitoring campaign design

Our experts will advise you on which type, location and duration of monitoring equipment to use during on-site monitoring. Our in-house monitoring team offers full data monitoring packages, collecting on-site data and providing regular checking and quality control. We spot any issues with equipment or data quality early, which minimises downtime and campaign costs.

Finance-grade EYAs

We have performed over 68 GW of finance-grade EYAs globally. Accepted by banks and independent financial institutions, developers and investors use our analyses to help them completely understand a project’s potential.

Post-construction services

Operational performance analysis

Natural Power helps owners and investors to better understand their operational assets by performing SCADA-based post-construction energy yield analyses that assess the performance of wind energy projects. For extension sites we can use production data combined with on-site mast data or modelled datasets to get the energy yield of the proposed site. By taking this approach, we can minimise uncertainty compared to a standard pre-construction yield assessment.

Operational reporting

We provide an operational reporting service for existing assets, with regular reports detailing site performance relative to warranties and budget. We identify where your asset is underperforming so that any issues can be fixed. We also offer curtailment analysis, lenders reports and annual warranty reports when you need them. You may be interested in our PerformanceCentre® services

For information on how our Analytics team can help you with your solar project, click here.