SERVICE Operations and asset management

Our ControlCentre manages renewable energy assets for clients 24/7 all year round to make sure they stay operational and safe.

Control Centre 1

Asset management

Once operational, our multi-disciplinary team will help you to get the most from your assets and keep them safe, reliable and compliant. Our team of office-based asset managers provide a single point of contact for our clients and work to improve the performance of their assets. They work closely with the on-site teams to effectively manage inspections, electrical network operations, maintenance and emergency response activities, and they capture this via operational reporting. You may be interested in our PerformanceCentre® services

Service and repair

Natural Power’s team of servicing and repair technicians form an integral part of the operations and asset management team. Working closely with our team of analysts and engineers, they can schedule maintenance work to ensure minimal downtime and reduction of long-term renewable energy operational costs. We currently manage over 200 onshore wind, offshore, solar, hydro and heat sites around the world. Learn more about our Service and repair capabilities.


Operational Control

Our operational controllers use automated systems to monitor the sites in our care, so we always keeping a close watch on your asset for you. Our ControlCentre services include:

  • health and safety co-ordination
  • 24/7 monitoring
  • grid code services
  • High Voltage support.

To make sure our ControlCentre services can operate independently, should our first site have any technical issues, we have a backup ControlCentre with a standalone IT network. We’ll always keep your asset running and make sure your data stays safe.

We also have the capacity to develop and grow. The ControlCentre can expand to accommodate any changes in the market or to meet new needs from our clients. We’re always developing new tools that make it easier and faster to monitor and report on a site’s activities.

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