What was the aim of the work?
The project is an extension to the existing Beinn an Tuirc (BAT) wind farm. The site is located within a remote upland area of commercial forestry, approximately 10km north of Campbeltown, on the Kintyre peninsula. The site has consent for 18 turbines; four ‘borrow pits’; one control building; access tracks; crane hard standings and two meteorological masts. The turbines will have a maximum height of 126m from the base to the tip of the blade, giving an operating capacity of up to 50MW.
We carried out a geotechnical site investigation to assess the ground conditions at the turbine locations and other key infrastructure locations to assist with the detailed civil design of the proposed wind farm infrastructure.
What was the outcome?
Natural Power modified the on-site resources as required to suit the progress of the forestry keyhole felling as the work progressed. This made sure there was no delay to the project programme, and it came at no additional cost to the client.
What did Natural Power do to get this result?
The site investigation comprised the following elements:
- Trial pitting (264 locations)
- Borehole drilling (25 locations)
- Dynamic Cone Penetrometer testing (102 locations)
- Soil infiltration testing
- Soil and rock sampling
- Groundwater level monitoring
- Geotechnical laboratory testing and reporting.
In addition to the site investigation works, we provided dedicated principal contractor (PC) services for the site investigation works. As part of the PC service, we worked with the client and carried out a full-scale Emergency Response Drill on site.
Client Feedback
The Natural Power Geotechnical team have completed the intrusive ground investigation works at ScottishPower Renewables’ Beinn an Tuirc Phase 3 windfarm project. The works were completed on budget and programme. During the site works, the Natural Power team also carried out a successful Emergency response drill.
Project stats
The site has consent for 18 turbines.
The turbines have a maximum height of 126m.
There is an operating capacity of up to 50MW.