What was the aim of the work?
Natural Power provided a range of technical, health and safety, project management, and environmental and planning assistance throughout the project. This included the original due diligence and acquisition of the site. We also provided pre-construction services and services during the construction stage, grid connection, turbine installation, commissioning and management of handover of the site to operations.
We supported the client through due diligence services during the acquisition of the project. Following acquisition, we completed procurement for all enabling works and civil, electrical and turbine contracts, including grid connection. After the acquisition we managed the project through construction, turbine installation, commissioning, testing and take over. We also applied for and gained planning permission for an onsite met mast, and we managed liaison with the planning authority (Mayo CC). In addition, we completed all planning compliance reports and gained acceptance from Mayo Council and Inland Fisheries.
During construction Natural Power supplied an ECoW, hydrological monitoring and a resident engineer, and we provided construction project management services for all contractors. We made sure the work was completed in line with the contract and relevant planning conditions.
What was the outcome?
We successfully completed procurement of all contractors, management of the grid connection and all construction project management to ensure the wind farm was installed and generating ahead of the REFIT 2 deadline.
What did Natural Power do to get this result?
Through close liaison with local authorities, statutory bodies, contractors and component suppliers, Natural Power successfully maintained the client's programme to meet REFIT 2 deadlines. We monitored all the construction work to make sure the constructed project met the client's requirements, and the distribution network and planning requirements.
Project stats at a glance:
- 12 No. Enercon E70 (2.3MW) turbines with a hub height of 64m.
- 28MW maximum export capacity.
- 0.9km of underground 38kV grid connection cable form on site IPP substation to ESBN 110kV substation.
- Eight gravity foundations and four piled foundations.
- 20/38kV IPP substation, including transformer, 20kV switchgear, protection and 38kV control equipment, control room and welfare facilities.
- Contestably built 38kV ESBN substation and outdoor compound.
Client Feedback
“Having Natural Power working for NTR on Bunnyconnellan Wind Farm was a continuation of the strong, longstanding ongoing relationship between the companies. Natural Power provided an excellent team for the project, and we are looking forward to working with Natural Power and its team again. Natural Power was involved from the initial DD on the project through to completion of construction, and they moved the project through each stage to programme while always adding value, resolving issues and positively contributing to the delivery of the project.”
Project stats
12 No. Enercon E70 (2.3MW) turbines with a hub height of 64m.
28MW maximum export capacity.
Eight gravity foundations and four piled foundations.