Confidential biomass power station strategic enhancements project Strategically enhancing a utility-scale biomass CHP plant

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What was the aim of the work?

To optimise efficiency and long term improvements to ensure the asset remains best in class as technology and best practice evolves.

We provided a broad remit of services to manage the delivery of a number of key enhancements to the operational biomass CHP plant on behalf of the owner. This involved specialist front end engineering design; maintaining permitting and planning compliance; tendering for specialist contractors to carry out works; and overseeing the work.

What was the outcome?

We helped improve operational efficiency and increased the flexibility of the asset to respond to future challenges by enhancing the site through development and delivery of a suite of strategic enhancements.

While the client did not take forward every proposed project, the design work carried out for these projects provided different options for the site owners to consider in the future when conditions change. This gives them the flexibility to respond quickly to change and gives a more detailed picture of the strategic potential of the asset.

What did Natural Power do to get this result?

The site has a number of stakeholders and a focus on near-term activities to generate power and heat in a safe, efficient and sustainable way. The Natural Power team took a longer-term view. We engaged with and supported stakeholders so they could make longer term strategic decisions and allow asset enhancements to take place. These improvements will make sure that the asset remains best in class and is ready to adapt to changes in the future.


What we found

We developed optimal solutions for the key enhancements proposed by the client. Using our sector knowledge and experience, we identified a number of best practices and technologies from additional projects and assets that the plant could use.

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