Crichton Campus Low Carbon Heat Network

Crichton Trust Renewable Heat Network

What was the aim of the work?

The Renewable Heat Team was commissioned by the client to assess the feasibility of implementing a heat network across the Crichton Estate which would focus on providing heat via low carbon sources and connect to the nearby local NHS campus, Dumfries & Galloway College, local housing and various private mix-use enterprises surrounding the estate.

What was the outcome?

We assessed the various low carbon sources of heat accessible to the estate, including capturing heat from the Dumfries Basin Aquifer, a local, shallow source of groundwater that has high potential to provide quality heating to the proposed network. These sources were then integrated with various district energy network designs to model the optimised solution before being developed into a techno-economic model, providing payback estimates for the scheme(s).

Our team identified an optimal network and energy source as a preferred option and delivered results that would comply with the funding requirements set by the Scottish Government. This ensures that the client could pursue further funding to support the detailed feasibility of the preferred option, and enabling the project to be progressed to the next stage.

What did Natural Power do to get this result?

Our team used its local knowledge and presence within the area to best establish optimal low carbon energy sources as well as deliver technical analysis on the Dumfries Basin Aquifer via our in-house geo-technical resource.

Client Feedback

"The team at a natural Power have been a great asset to us as we develop our plans around a neighbourhood heat network they have taken time to understand our unique context, challenges and help us explore the opportunities whilst also using their considerable knowledge to help guide us through the process of raising funding and predicting future policy in this area. They have also been great at keeping us informed and also responsive to any questions we have.

We feel they have embodied true partnership in how they have worked with us to achieve our vision – we could ask for more. "

Jennifer Challinor, Head of Research and Development