
Health and Safety Policy

Natural Power will do everything that is reasonably practicable to protect our employees, subcontractors or any other persons who may be affected by our activities from any work-related injury or ill health. The Board and senior management, led by the Managing Director, have overall responsibility for ensuring we achieve the highest standards of health and safety. We also expect all our employees, subcontractors and clients to share our commitment and contribute in implementing our health and safety policy in an effective way.


We achieve this by ensuring:

  • suitable and sufficient resources are in place to allow thorough and robust planning of our works to be carried out and that identified control measures are in place
  • our employees and contractors have the correct training, suitable instruction and the necessary supervision to carry out their works safely
  • our employees and contractors are fully aware of all risks associated with their activities and conduct themselves responsibly when carry out their duties
  • that all tools, equipment (including Personal Protective Equipment) and vehicles supplied to our employees and contractors are suitable for purpose and properly maintained
  • promotion of an open, positive attitude to health and safety issues, engaging and consulting with our employee and encouraging the reporting of incidents and issues
  • investigation and learning from incidents & near misses; promotion of a continuous improvement culture
  • our employees and contractors are empowered to stop work and challenge any situation they encounter where they believe health and safety may be compromised and
  • collaboration and engagement with parties who share our interest in improving health and safety within the renewable sector; sharing best practice & learning from each other and challenging the status quo

Management will set health & safety strategy and objectives and will also be actively involved in driving and reviewing our performance. Natural Power's aim is to continue to be a leader within the renewable sector and proactive safety leadership is a key part of this this ambition.

This policy will be reviewed on an annual basis (or more frequently if there have been significant changes in the type and nature of our activities) and revised as required to ensure it remains current and appropriate for the business.



Robert P Brown

Managing Director