
Environment Policy

Natural Power shall:

  • Implement and maintain an integrated management system that includes the provisions of ISO 14001
  • Encourage a culture of employee engagement and participation in the environmental management system and in continuous improvement of it
  • Comply with relevant laws and regulations of the market our services are delivered in and adhere to the requirements outlined within our integrated management system
  • Where practicable, strive to be energy efficient and actively reduce the organisations negative impact in relative terms
  • Manage and risk assess our operations to ensure that our impact on the local and global environment is minimised
  • Set and regularly review environmental objectives and targets with the aim of continuous improvement
  • Where practicable, utilise low carbon or zero carbon energy solutions within service delivery


  • The Managing Director is accountable to the Board of Directors for ensuring this policy is implemented
  • Management throughout Natural Power are responsible for ensuring the adherence with this policy and ensuring adequate provision of required resources to comply with this policy.
  • All employees and directly employed contractors have the individual responsibility to ensure that they and their colleagues adhere to this policy at all times and report any breaches of policy

The statement shall be communicated to all employees and directly employed contractors working for or on behalf of the business and shall be reviewed every two years. The statement shall be available to all interested parties and published on the business website www.naturalpower.com