SERVICE EchoSense®

Creating harmony between wind energy and bat populations 

Wind farm at night

EchoSense® is a highly effective bat smart curtailment technology that provides an alternative to the high energy losses associated with blanket curtailment. The system reduces  bat fatalities at wind farms while simultaneously reducing curtailment hours and associated energy losses when compared to a blanket curtailment strategy.   


How EchoSense® works 

EchoSense® works by combining SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition), meteorological and acoustic data to curtail wind turbines when bats are present in a NERC compliant manner. 


Development of the EchoSense® system began in 2018 when Natural Power gathered a team of bat experts, technology and software engineers to create a more effective way to protect bats while minimizing the impact on energy production. A deep understanding of bat behavior, wind farm operational controls and cybersecurity were essential to find a solution that presented clients with environmental and financial benefits.


How we tested EchoSense® to prove its effectiveness 

Following a proof-of-concept deployment in 2019 and supported by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) as well as the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), we worked with Alliant Energy to install and operate a full system from August to October 2020 at the English Farms wind farm in Iowa. 

In 2020-21 we tested EchoSense® against minimal and blanket curtailment to prove it works, and the results were compelling. Curtailment with EchoSense® resulted in an average reduction in energy loss of 56% compared to blanket curtailment. Read more here...


Can EchoSense make a difference to your wind farm project?

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