To raise awareness for international women in engineering day it is important to celebrate the wins and highlight the challenges that women in this industry face. We asked our Engineers about the biggest challenges within their role and the industry.
Encouraging a more equal workforce
Upon entering the industry, I noticed that the service and operations department was largely male-dominated, and there were prevalent gender stereotypes impacting the perception of female capabilities. This has presented a notable challenge for businesses seeking to enhance the representation of female engineers and leaders. Many female specialists are cognizant of the "glass ceiling" concept and the perceptions from their male colleagues and superiors within certain businesses. I am an advocate for gender equality in industry. In my team, we are fortunate to have two exceptional female wind turbine technicians, and our company prioritizes and supports equal opportunities for career growth.
Biggest challenge
As a young, inexperienced foreign woman, I encountered a multitude of challenges both within our industry and beyond. When I first relocated to Scotland, I struggled with the language barrier, possessing only a limited vocabulary that included basic words such as "yes," "no," "ketchup," and "McDonald's." Additionally, I faced instances of bullying due to my Polish background, incorrect accent, and perceived lack of specific academic qualifications.
Despite these adversities, I made a steadfast commitment to myself that no one would ever break my spirit. Whenever someone doubted my abilities, I dedicated myself to proving them wrong. While navigating my career in the industry, assuming a leadership role as a female in a male-dominated field and earning the respect of my engineering team was undoubtedly challenging. However, it felt like a natural progression rather than an insurmountable struggle.
Reflecting on my journey, I consider my ability to overcome these formidable challenges as my greatest achievement. Today, I proudly hold the position of Head of Service at Natural Power, one of the most fantastic companies to work for, and I am honored to be respected by my team, colleagues, and superiors.
Encouraging a more equal work force
It’s my considered opinion that mindsets need to evolve, particularly in sectors that have been and continue to be male dominated, such as construction and public works.
As a mother, it is my priority to instil in my child the belief that anything is possible, if one truly believes in it, regardless of external influences. Dolls are not solely for girls, and playmobiles are not exclusively for boys.
Biggest Challenge
My primary challenge has been to establish myself in a male-dominated professional environment. Initially, I faced challenges in gaining respect and acceptance, particularly on construction sites. I am pleased to have overcome this hurdle and am currently the only woman on my team at Natural Power France, where we are all working well together.
Encouraging a more equal work force
I think Natural Power is very open and welcoming to having a more equal workforce (as I was treated this way) however I think the biggest challenge is a wider problem from influences from when we are younger. Not many women grow up knowing they have such opportunities due to stereotypes etc. growing up and the influences they have around them. I think this issue will always be there however, it will improve in leaps and bounds if we keep promoting these amazing opportunities around schools and colleges to let women know they can do these jobs.
Biggest Challenge
The biggest challenge will be the more physical side – there is a lot of manual labor and lifting involved but you always work out ways and techniques to get around these issues and gain more confidence as you progress, so it is never impossible. My biggest achievement would be gaining my authorization technician (AT) certificate, I am now also working towards multiplatform technician.