life at natural power

Reece Enderson

Head of advisory, North America

When did you join Natural Power?

January 2020.


What does your day typically consist of?

I start my day by connecting with our team to provide oversight and guidance on the projects we’re working on. I support them in the more complex technical challenges and I review the deliverables going out. Depending on the day, I’ll also support calls to potential clients and develop proposals for new projects. 


What is the most challenging part of your role?

The most challenging (and rewarding) part of my role is working with our team on technical solutions to atypical projects risks that all parties involved can get behind.  


What is the most interesting type of work you have done and why? 

It is difficult to say what the most interesting type of work I’ve done is, but the most recent interesting work I’ve supported is the siting and development of an off grid wind, solar, and energy storage project for a potential green hydrogen project. We were working on optimizing the wind/solar/storage capacities for the lowest cost of hydrogen (LCOH). It was interesting because the work focused on how the renewable energy generation, CAPEX, and OPEX would impact the project economics. I really enjoy diving into how the technical aspects of a project can shape a project’s economics.


Provide a hidden talent or quirky fact about yourself?

I love to cook with my family. I'm pretty sure my four year old and two year old would agree that cooking is my hidden talent - and they know good food!